Monday, June 23, 2008

Headed to the Park...

Just a few pictures of our park day (morning actually) I left the mess of my house and headed to the park with my kiddos, they played, had fun and got Lauren tired;)Sadie enjoyed looking at the trees for a while and took a little nap herself. It was nice. What I didn't expect was the crazy person going 45+ miles behind me that almost caused a severe accident on the way there, I literally slammed on my brakes and swerved out of the way and watched them run a stop sign right in front of me...I wonder how many other times the Lord just chooses to spare of us of danger. Anyways, I also didn't expect the judgemental sin escaping my heart when I cringed at the family Colin chose to play with at the swings, they were quite interesting, the 2 moms...were smoking and they were dressed immodestly amongst other things. Yet my son didn't "look" at the appearance of them and choose to just play, I just kept thinking "Oh he's going to smell like smoke now...I wonder what they are saying in front of him" "Great now Lauren's over there!"
Wow! Its a yucky scene when the sins of your heart are being revealed at the park no less. But God is so kind and faithful to show me the ugly to then see the beauty...I saw the family calling Colin by name and thanking him for being kind to their sons and playing with them. I kept thinking of a message recently at church; the topic was pretty much what I was doing at the park, totally judging based on appearance instead of reaching out (like my son) I was saying yuck. I am so glad Jesus loves me despite my sin...and grateful despite my crummy example He chooses to use my son to reach out to people, maybe next time I will get off my fat tushy and reach out like my 6 year old:)

1 comment:

Praise said...

Thanks for your humility in sharing that. I too can relate to those sinful responses, in very similar situations. Thank you for spuring me on to change!
The pictures are adorable!