Thursday, February 21, 2008

My Baby's 11?!

So I totally wanted to post on Taylor's Birthday 2-15 but we were so busy with birthday stuff I am just now getting to it... She got the day off from school, stayed in her pajama's until almost 3:00 in the afternoon, had pancakes dilivered from her Grams (on Debi's way to work may I add, Wow!) and special visitor's through out the day and Daddy was able to take off work and take us out to dinner to honor Tay. How Fun! If you asked me what I thought my life would look like 12 years ago, this was not what I would have pictured. Who knew then that An Almighty; The Almighty God could take something so wetched and wicked like me and conform my sin into such an amazing blessing. Taylor I completely believe that you are a means of God's grace to rescue a lost soul 12 years ago. Thank you for being a sweet young lady of Christ, for allowing the Holy Spirit to work in and through you and for being the best Taylor Madison Cox ever! I love and adore you~ Happy 11th Birthday!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Is it Valentine's Day?

Well, this is what my sweet husband was holding for me as he knocked on the front door in the cold at 11:15pm last night after working 2 jobs all day starting at 6:00am!
We werent able to "go out" for Valentine's Day but I was stilled honored through the hustle and bustle of the day, the late night and the cold evening, I totally knew how much in love my husband and I were as I saw him standing with a smile on his face waiting for me to let him in:)

Monday, February 11, 2008

Our Pioneer Trip

So we headed to Barberville FL to visit the Pioneer Settlement there, it was great! We rode together with the Grahams and met several other families there. Despite some of the pictures my kiddos really did have a good time:)