Monday, October 29, 2007

Give me vision

I listened to this song (by Phatfish) last night and thought I would share the lyrics with you:) In every tribe and every tongue, in every nation of the earth, in every people group Your name must be proclaimed. For You have come into the world to seek and save that which was lost now let Your church arise and make Your gospel known. Now the hour is getting late so many millions yet to hear, oh all the harvest, send the laborers we pray. To bring Your sons out from afar, from every corner of the earth and let the prodigals return to you again. Give me vision, I want to see Your kingdom come, give me me passion, to see the glory of Your son. Be exalted Lord for you are worthy and the nations are your heritance. Now kingdoms rage and nations fall and rulers stand against the Lord. Be still and know that He is sovereign over all. His holy purpose will prevail, the church will stand and shall not fail, the God of Jacob is our fortress and our strength. Give me vision, I want to see Your kingdom come, give me passion to see the glory of Your Son, be exalted Lord for You are worhty and the nations are Your heritance. Lord I do pray for a vision, I pray for a passion that Your kingdom will come a passion that surpasses my own selfish desires. Thank You Father for being sovereign over all, let Your church rise up and proclaim Your gospel to the lost, here and in the very corners of the earth. In Your son's precious name, Amen

Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Thank you to Friends...

I just needed to Thank three friends in particular tonight, first Kyle and Tara. Thank you both for serving Jonathan and I by watching our children Tuesday night so that we could go out for a date. I know that it wouldn't be your preference to even be mentioned here much less for me to share all of the other things that you blessed us with that evening, but I do want you both to know how grateful Jonathan and I are for you guys, Thank you for being true servants and for all you did, we greatly appreciate it. And to Ms. Katherine, thank you for coming over and helping me tonight. It was a pleasant surprise and a nice treat to have company in the midst of the chaos in which I call home:) Thank you for washing dishes, consoling sad children and loving on my kiddos. It was a joy my dear getting to just hang out!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My Date Night In

So I thought several of you would think this was funny, only keep in mind this is really how it is:)
Jonathan has been working alot lately so we decided a date night was much needed. Instead of getting a sitter at the last minute and rushing out the door in a heavy down pour we chose to have a date night in. Jonathan settled the older kids with a movie after showers and put Lauren to bed after her bath. I ordered take out and took a quick shower before going to get it. I hopped in the car went to Outback and proceeded to wait at Curbside for my order to come out. I waited and waited, when the young server girl finally came out she asked what my name was and phone #. As she searched and searched her receipts she found no such name and asked if I had called the Altamonte location. In my most mature adult voice I said, "Well I hope not considering this is Longwood"
She then replied that this is actually the Altamonte location which I so kindly ignored and again told her I know that I called this location, Longwood Altamonte whatever, get me my food.
She asked if I remembered what I ordered, and I started rambling my food items to her, a chicken parm., a tomato caprese, Calamari. She then said very patiently and sweetly, "Honey we don't have any of that food."
Me easing into my pride so effortlessly I begin to think no junk lady, I guess they should start making it!
I'm staring at her in pure disbelief that I have to wait for my food longer when she says " I think you meant to go across the street to Carrabas"
Oh the taste of Humble Pie, before dinner and everything. I had pulled into the wrong restaurant with the wrong attitude:) By the time I got to Carrabas, my food had been waiting a good 15 minutes and I sleepishly told that server my story. She stared at me in the same wow I feel sorry for you look that the other girl did. I promise you I really am not this ditsy when I am not pregnant! Jonathan and I enjoyed our quiet dinner (after I reheated it) and again almost the same look from him came when I told him the story only it had a little more of, I leave my children with you all day in it. Anyways I hope you enjoy a laugh on my behalf! Oh and by the way....Thank you Kathy, appetizers, salads, and entrees for $8.00! It was Yummo!

Monday, October 1, 2007

We're going to Williamsburg?!

Well, Considering that someone told me my baby would probably be born before I updated this blog I thought I should post:) If you didn't hear I have officially gone koo-koo and 2 weeks ago within a 6 hour period of time decided to join our History group (The Rawlsons, Hartliefs, McGaheys,the Masri's and us:)We missed you Tammy!) for a week long field trip to Historic Williamsburg. I left Lauren for the first time (well that was longer then a 48 hour time frame.) She did great of course until I got back home:) Virginia was a wonderful experience!(with some unexpected UPS and downs) The fact that almost every map said one thing and the street signs said another could get any one's temper tempted. My best idea, to follow the shuttle until you get to your destination. Who would have thought getting the cooler would take an hour or renting costumes almost the same, who knew there would be mold in one of the bedrooms. (the reason for the move..the new condo ended up extremely nicer) I don't think Hannah and Hope ever got to Wee Folk but all was good in the end and I don't think Shawnie and Elyse would change anything if it meant changing their close friends the Slacks surprising them (I personally like Shawnie screaming "Oh my God, Oh my God!" right outside of the mental hospital:) nor would I change it if it meant I wasnt able to hear Taylor sing "I am in Williamsburg, I cant believe I am in Williamsburg" or Colin asking questions about the slaves and thier hardships. Outside of some repentance sessions (from the moms:) everyone did great! I think my kids enjoyed Jamestown and Yorktown the best. I am glad that the Lord was so sovereign to create me in this time period, with out houses, horse poop and the medical procedures, I am not sure I would have lived as long:) Ladies, Thank you so much for switching things, from cars to rooms, to just adding more to the brunch in order for Taylor, Colin and I to go. We really did have a blast and the friendships, memories, and experience far out weighed any of the "misfortunes." You Girls are the Best and we cant wait for the rest of this tapestry year! Enjoy our slide show. P.S. I videoed half the time so I didn't take as many pictures as usual.