Thursday, February 21, 2008

My Baby's 11?!

So I totally wanted to post on Taylor's Birthday 2-15 but we were so busy with birthday stuff I am just now getting to it... She got the day off from school, stayed in her pajama's until almost 3:00 in the afternoon, had pancakes dilivered from her Grams (on Debi's way to work may I add, Wow!) and special visitor's through out the day and Daddy was able to take off work and take us out to dinner to honor Tay. How Fun! If you asked me what I thought my life would look like 12 years ago, this was not what I would have pictured. Who knew then that An Almighty; The Almighty God could take something so wetched and wicked like me and conform my sin into such an amazing blessing. Taylor I completely believe that you are a means of God's grace to rescue a lost soul 12 years ago. Thank you for being a sweet young lady of Christ, for allowing the Holy Spirit to work in and through you and for being the best Taylor Madison Cox ever! I love and adore you~ Happy 11th Birthday!


Anonymous said...

Awe, Happy birthday Taylor!! You are turning into such a beautiful young lady of God! we love and miss you all!
~the Smith Gals

The VanLue House of Happy Chaos said...

Thank you just made me cry.Taylor, you are absolutely not allowed to grow up and like Julie, you have to live with your mommy forever. Happy Birthday!!

The VanLue House of Happy Chaos said...

Oh yea, good job to your mommy, Taylor, she posted more than once in a month:):):)

Jennifer Lightfoot said...

Wow. What an incredible post, Medana! And an amazing testimony to God's grace! Taylor, can you believe God used you in that way??? Before you could even speak? I pray that this builds your faith for how God can use you in the future! Happy birthday, girl!! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Taylor! Looks like you had a GREAT day! :-) Can't believe you are so grown up!!
Ms. Stephanie

Anonymous said...

Taylor, you will have special in my heart. I will always remember the day you were born and spending time with you in your first couple years of life. I look back on those years and I am so glad I was around to be with you and your momma. I can't believe your 11 years old. You have really turned out to be a beautiful young woman. What a life God has given you, you a blessed beyond comprehension.