Monday, April 14, 2008


Well... Sadie and I traveled the 5 minutes it takes to go to the Dr. and although it was crowded, delayed, and there were no seats including the three that the men did not offer to give up for 39 week pregnant me...(Yes some how I managed to "fit" in one of those small stools made for children that sit a foot off the ground...I will definitely train Colin to give up his seat for a lady!) it was a good visit. I am 2/3 centimeters dilated and miss Sadie has dropped:) I even measured smaller and didn't gain any weight:) Yea! I have less then 10 days to go until my due date. I feel like the Lord through His Grace has blessed me with a patient heart BUT I would prefer not to have the heartburn and discomfort. I swell up with a tinge of anger every time I have to bend over to pick something up...and if you have seen me lately I don't need any help swelling up;)


Jennifer Lightfoot said...

Um...I believe she means TWO TO THREE centimeters and not 2/3 of a centimeter. I'm pretty sure there's a world of difference and we're talkin' the 2-3 range - thank goodness! ;o)

Medana, you're beautiful and you are going to have your beautiful baby in His perfect timing - I will be praying for all the grace you experienced today to abound tomorrow and the next day and the next...and for nothing to pick up for like...well, maybe forever. Taylor can pick stuff up for you. And Jonathan. B/c he's mean and all.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure you should have just glared at those dumb guys sitting on their bums in YOUR chairs...although I think seeing sitting on that tiny stool would make me laugh. I'm so sorry. I think it would. :o)

I love you, love you, love you!!! I WANT YOU TO CALL ME IF YOU NEED ANYTHING!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Emily said...

Weird, not quite sure where that "10" came from... what I meant to say was:

10 days away from your DUE DATE!!! That's so exciting... I'm wishing, hoping and praying to get that far, so anytime you feel impatient and can't wait for little Sadie to make her appearance, say a prayer that Thomas will follow Sadie's patient example of waiting till her due date :)

I'll be praying that you enjoy the next few days until she comes... can't wait to see her!

Crystal Joy said...
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Crystal Joy said...

Ahh...soon and very soon! I know how these last days can seem to inch by. :) I'll be praying for you and your family! I wish we were going to be at the same hospital so that we could possibly see you there but I guess I will have to wait to see you in the nursing mother's room...with normal sized ankles. :)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to meet Sadie! Ella is excited for her to make her entrance and she can meet her new friend! :)

I am praying for you - that God will give you grace for the next few days. Take time to love on Lauren, Colin and Taylor in the mean time! Soon you will be distracted!

love you!

Taraleigh said...

Have you had the baby yet?
