Friday, March 28, 2008


I can't believe Easter was so early this year, we had a pretty low key list of festivities, but we did manage to go to an Easter egg hunt and Bar-B-Q at Seth and Tracy's and celebrated with close friends later on Sunday evening. It was nice and relaxed. We talked with our kiddos about the meaning of Easter and why we celebrate, I laughed when Colin thought it may be Jesus' birthday again. I guess we have been starting Bible before he is all the way awake lately;) Not to worry all confusion was cleared up:) Here are some pics. check out the one of me trying to get a picture of the girls on the steps at metro, classic photo of Lauren who gets all her stunts straight from her brother.


The VanLue House of Happy Chaos said...

Very cute! Looks like everyone had a great time! My personal fav is the hiney shot on the stairs! Glad to see you've updated your blog before Taylor's 12:)He..He...he...

Taraleigh said...

Wow ~ adorable pictures!!!

Looks like you all had sooo o much fun!!!