Monday, February 11, 2008

Our Pioneer Trip

So we headed to Barberville FL to visit the Pioneer Settlement there, it was great! We rode together with the Grahams and met several other families there. Despite some of the pictures my kiddos really did have a good time:)


Tammy said...

Looks like you had a great time. Sorry I missed it!

Debi Walter said...

Medana, Brooksville's Pioneer Settlement is one of my favorite places to visit. It's been years since we did this with our kids, but the memories have stayed with me as if it was yesterday. Thank you for sharing your special day in a very special place.

The VanLue House of Happy Chaos said...

We need to do a zoo day with Taylor and Mel. They both have the same expression around animals of this kind. Oh yea.....the birthing chair. Don't know quite what to say about that other than...drugs please. Alot of them. And fast!

Jennifer Lightfoot said...

A freakin' birthing chair???? Holy crap... Honey, praise the Lord for modern medicine!!!!

Angela said...

how fun! I love your kids! They are so sweet!