Saturday, June 9, 2007

Colin Graduates Kindergarten!

We are so proud of Colin! I cant believe how big he is getting, He just had his Kindergarten Graduation last night. All of our close family was able to make it to celebrate with us~ Noah, Sage, and Canon did so well and they were even excited for Colin, I heard a few Whoo-Hoo's from Canon:) All of the Daddy's honored their graduate, Jonathan did such a great job! I was going to read a short tribute until I found out all of the other family's were giving the dad's an opportunity to do so. Just thought I would post what I had prepared since I didn't share it last night. Colin, I had this verse in mind when I thought of you graduating Kindergarten tonight. 1 Corinthians 3:7 says: “So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” Colin I am so thankful that I can rely on God to give you growth, through our fun days with homeschooling and field trips to our more difficult days dealing with our heart attitudes and weariness, I can truly say that only God gives the growth. I am so thankful that He has allowed you to grow in so many ways. From beginning to read, to losing your first tooth this year and all the way to asking probing questions about the Lord and Salvation, I am amazed at His kindness to us. Colin I love you and I am so very proud of you. Congratulations on graduating kindergarten! Love, Mommy, Daddy, Taylor and Lauren


Tammy said...

How exciting! May God continue to pour out His mercy on your family. And, just like the core of an apple may God be the center of all that you do.

Jennifer Lightfoot said...

Oh Colin! Congratulations! You have a mommy and daddy who love you so very much! They love you so much they're teaching and training you! I am so excited to see the man of God that you will become!!! I wish I could have been there to add my 'woohoos' and 'ow, ows' to the rest!
Love ya, kiddo!
P.S. Medana, I adore you!!!

The VanLue House of Happy Chaos said...

Everytime I see/read about God's grace on your family it makes me cry. Your perserverence and commitment to your family is evident in all aspects of your life!! Tell Colin a big "Yea, Baby" from the VanLue girls!! And one day all your hard work WILL bear much fruit with the boy!!:)You're amazing!!

The VanLue House of Happy Chaos said...

Oh yea, the bouncy picture thingy is SOOOO NOT the thing for "over 40" eyes like mine. I need some recovery time after watching that slideshow :) But the subject matter was awesome!!

Angela said...

Oh my! 2 down 1 to go!! I can't believe they are getting so big so fast. Didn't you just have Taylor??? It was so fun seeing on Sunday. Send me that pic whenever you get the chance!LOVE YOU!