Sunday, March 25, 2007

Conviction meets Mercy

You know when God continues to point you to a specific area in your life that needs change?Where everywhere you go, article you read, sermon/message you hear points you back to this area. That it is so obvious after just a few days that this is where God would have you dissect and perhaps pour an extra amount of energy in? Well, I do declare that my loving heavenly Father has chosen this area for me to be the training of my children, and although at times my vision has been blurry (like most of my recent digital pictures;) I have seen God's mercy in all of the convictions. That I am convicted at all points me to the cross. I am so unworthy of His kindness. Even when I grumble in my heart that I, ME, the "BUSY" mom that I am, have to stop what I am doing(usually cleaning or lesson planning nothing too exciting-check out the latest post on the Girl Talk blog), what was in my plan for the day to spend time training and disciplining my children, even then God allows me to partake in His mercy and kindness. That Today although it would not be what Taylor would choose to do in her free time she decided on her own to clean her entire room, one job that is done often with complaint, she choose to do this partly to please me and her Daddy but in a small way to honor her Lord. So she did, as she listened loudly to a CD and attempted to sing to "Super Tones" she had her room spotless in about an hour's time. And when I think of how most of my time with Colin has been spent I recall that this week almost all of it has been less then pleasant, it is so tempting to feel like all I do is repeat the same expectations, and the same short verses that point him back to obedience, when it seems that my seeds won't be reaped for a LONG time he choose to have several good attitudes when things weren't going his way with a family baseball game in the back yard; that in any of the past few days would have ended with a trip to the bathroom. Two small ways that seem so big to me, that God has shown His wonderful mercy to me in a season of conviction.


Katherine Peschau said...

Thanks for sharing. It looks like God is pouring out His spirit on both of our lives and teaching us many things. I am thankful that He is given me friends like you to walk through this with. Thank-YOU again for my ride yesterday morning! I appreciate it so much!
I am praying for Taylor today and for you :)
I love you!

Anonymous said...

Betty Vallery ....

Medana, what a blessing you and your Jonathan and your three children are to all of us! Congratulations on 10 years of marriage and to three precious gifts from God! I love your blog and will be keeping up with your family easier now!

Ms. Betty